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When The Queen Goes Out, I Like To Soak My Feet By Sheila Miles
About The Artist: Sheila Miles
Sheila Miles was born in the early 1950’s in Indianapolis into a family of six children. At an early age she decided to become an artist and when she was nine her mother gave her a book on the artist Gauguin. She then decided she wanted to be “that kind of an artist”. Sheila Miles believes a strong work of art transports the viewer into that world and it is like traveling to another country. Her goal when making art is to make a discovery about the world and/or herself. She says that the painting “When the Queen Goes Out, I like to Soak My Feet” is a metaphor for “whatever happens in your life try to keep a sense of humor.” Sheila Miles has lived and worked as an artist in Montana. She is currently in Oracle, Arizona. (No photo)

Guiding Questions and Vocabulary
Lesson Plan: When The Queen Goes Out...(Narrative Art With Oil Pastels)
National Standards:
- VA:Cr2.1.4a: Explore and invent art-making techniques and approaches.
- VA:Re.8.1.4a: Interpret art by referring to contextual information and analyzing relevant subject matter, characteristics of form, and use of media.
Montana Standards:
- Anchor Standard #2: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work. Apply research to art-making for the purpose of communicating about constructed environments.
- Anchor Standard #8: Construct meaningful interpretations of artistic works. analyze subject matter, form, and use of media in artwork.