for teens

YAM Teens

Make art, meet artists, build community, and explore endless possibilities. Join us as we dive into the YAM’s exhibitions, learn new techniques, and discover your artistic voice.

When: Every 1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month | 3:30 – 5 PM Winter Hours
Ages: 13 – 18
Cost: Free
Reservations: Not Required

NO YAM TEENS on January 1 & March 5

January 15 | Open Studio
Create in our fully stocked education studio.

February 5 | Curious Cartoons Part 1
Explore John Henry Haseltine’s narrative artwork and make your own unique character.

February 19 | Curious Cartoons Part 2
Create your own narrative artwork.

March 19 | Open Studio
Create in our fully stocked education studio.

April 2 | Something, Something
Experience the time and tedium of the artwork by Tyler Joseph Krasowki in Everything Becomes Something.

April 16 | Open Studio
Create in our fully stocked education studio.

May 7 | Tradition Influences the NOW
Be inspired by past and present in the exhibition Northeastern Asia and the Northern Rockies.

May 21 | New Art Incoming!
Get inspired by some of the YAM’s new acquisitions into the permanent collection.

For more information contact:
YAM Museum Art Educator
406.256.6804 x238